Services in the field of contribution to the positive impact on the community that we conduct through surveys, debates, motivational speeches on topics that we identify as necessary in relation to the need of civil society.

We are available to organize and implement this type of projects or events.

Covid-19 mental hygiene and global pandemic

In 2020, the world faced a global pandemic caused by the Covid-19 virus. Motivated by such global developments, we as CSO have decided to focus on promoting mental health in conditions of pandemic and prevention of certain mental illnesses in these moments of crisis in the population of youth and adults.

1 Part
Ad-hoc action to improve the mental health of young Red Cross volunteers working with all vulnerable categories of citizens.

  • July 2020, EU INSTITUTE Skopje (online)

2 Part
Assistance and support for parents with children with disabilities and children with mild mental disabilities for individual work with children at home that will be useful for improving the mental health of children, animation and relaxation.

  • From: August 2020 To: project in progress

3 Part
Mental support through webinars for children, high school students, students and youth up to 29 years in conditions of covid-19 crisis and global pandemic.

  • December 2020


Motivation is a driving force and process that encourages, leads and directs us towards achieving our goals. A force that makes us act positively no matter what field we want to act in. This is a necessary tool in the process of personal evolution regardless of whether it is biological, emotional or social cognitive forces that activate behavior.

Everyone can turn their life into a grandiose work of art. The key to success is only in our thoughts. Just because something does not seem real to us, does not mean it is impossible. We all have different lives in which we are or have not had the opportunity for anyone to teach us about it.

As a civil society sector, by holding public speeches on this topic, we believe that in society we offer the opportunity and support of citizens to understand that step by step we can all realize and fulfill our dreams and desires.

Research shows that only 5% of people can set and realize their ideas and goals. Many people have a vague idea of their future. We believe that as CSO and through this type of civic activism, we will show the way and bring closer good enough strategy to realistically achieve your goals in life.

How to overcome our own fears

Fear is one of the most basic human emotions. It is programmed into the nervous system and works as an instinct. From birth onwards, we are endowed with the survival instincts needed to react with fear when we feel threatened or insecure. Fear is a natural, powerful and primitive human emotion.

We practice public sessions and speeches on the topic of fear and phobias only to encourage you and to understand all together that the fear that we will sometimes feel is only used in situations to protect ourselves, but if it starts to rule us it will keep us nailed. in place and will shorten our visions.

How to step out of our comfort zone

We all move, work and function in our comfort zone where every time we know what, where and how it works. Some people in the comfort zone spend their whole lives. Here they have security (and we all strive for that security) and we feel taken care of… we are here in some world of our own, at home, on our own “island” … and generally we do not want to know anything else.

Lecture dedicated to the changes in our lives. Diagnosing and answering why it is difficult for us to recognize and follow the changes in our lives. How and in what way do we locate the change process ourselves and why is that so? We all want some change, but when change comes they cause different kinds of fears and doubts.

Non-verbal communication and empathy between educators, children and parents

Non-verbal communication or body language is a science that means unconscious and conscious transmission and interpretation of feelings, attitudes and mood through: posture, physical condition, expression through eye movements, gestures, facial expressions and positioning our body in a position with other people in the vicinity.

Empathy, the ability to understand the feelings of other people around us that are part of our community and everyday life.

The essence of non-verbal and empathy is very important in creating a quality relationship between children, parents and educators. Success between the educator, child and parent relations is key in establishing quality communication and creating good mental health, ie successful correlation between all three entities.

Road to success

Many people want to seize life and have personal freedom. But when everyday reality gets in their way, they are scared so they live burdened, under stress and in fear. We are all created for much more in a life that passes us by quickly. It is natural to be afraid of the upheavals in our lives. We have all been through this difficult time in our lives. Of course we know how difficult it is for each of us to succeed on our own.

Mastery is each of us to move life and to realize easier and faster his success to which he aspires.

What is the ethic of life and success?

Listen, before you speak …
Earn, before you spend …
Think carefully, before you write something …
Try it, before you give up …

Change your mind, improve your life

A thought is an idea or thought is produced by thinking what is going on in our mind. By conducting public speeches on this topic we want to convey knowledge, a map of success for all who want to win in life. There is a map of pessimism in the Balkans. That’s correct! But of course there is a way to achieve success and have faith in all of us.

We will do our best to inspire each of you in your own way. We will try once again to prove that hate speech is only a downside, there is no success in it, only stagnation. We will help you with positive emotions, self-confidence and perseverance to achieve success and the desired result.


Self-confidence is an important part of the life of each one of us to encourage positive energy and create quality mental health.

As CSO and active actors in society, our main goal is to bring an additional dose of positivism by creating healthy self-confidence and positive energy among all citizens of RNM.

Денеска живеееме во време на Ковид-19 криза и глобална пандемија која придонесе луѓето да имаат расколебана самодоверба. Наоколу секојдневно гледаме комплетно несигурни лица кои се производ на самата неизвесност предизвикана од немирот во себе кој е резултат на денешната криза.

Through public speeches on this topic we will suggest and show you the way, how to gain self-confidence, how to overcome fear, together how to learn to be more confident and get rid of the negative influences and mechanical blockages that prevent us from being successful in life. The motivation for this topic was all those we meet every day in our environment with a frightened look that radiates fear and introversion.

Therefore, our goal in this type of speech and counseling is to positively influence ourselves and the environment in which we live and work.

So let’s learn together to improve ourselves and be successful!

How to improve

The focus of this counseling on this topic is to learn something new and make at least one small step, an improvement daily that at the end of the day will make us a better person in the society in which we live and function. For some individuals, this may sound scary …

In these lectures we try to explain that the improvements and changes do not have to be huge. On the contrary, they can be really small but gradually lead to huge positive changes over a relatively long period of time.

Let’s think that every day we need to upgrade ourselves at least one percent. After this implementation of these minimal changes, we will show you a way how in one year each of us can achieve a positive effect and create a quality change in the personal and professional field.